€7.95 per month

When paid in full annually, our mail backup service is equivalent to €5.74 per month. Billed monthly cost is €7.95

€68.95 per annum. (2 months free)


Protect yourself against unexpected downtime

A feature of our Mx Email Backup is the ability to login to your client area and see if there are mails in the mx backup waiting to be delivered. If there are this feature will tell you how many and also allow you to attempt to deliver them to their normal location.

MX - Mail Backup More Information

Reasons to use MX Email Backup

MX Backup - Need help or advice?

Mail Backup is certainly a wise move. Please talk to us if you have any queries about
whether MX Mail Backup is for you.

Call Us: 01 902 0020
Email: support@hostingireland.ie

This is how MX Mail Backup works

Normal Operation
- Email sent directly to server

Connection Fails
- Email is queued

Connection Restored
- Email is delivered